AI Assistant for Magento 2 | User Guide

Installation Instructions

 Installation using composer (if you purchased via Magento Marketlace)

1.     Backup

It’s always a good practice to make a backup of your Magento installation before installing any extension. 

2.     Installation via terminal

Open your command line terminal, go to your Magento root directory, and run the following commands to install the required dependencies and enable the module:

composer require remmote/magento2-storeassistant

php bin/magento setup:upgrade



Manual installation (if you purchased in our site)

1.     Backup:

It’s always a good practice to make a backup of your Magento installation before installing any extension.

2.     Extract Files:

Extract the content of the zip file and upload the extension files to your app/code/ folder. You should see the extension files under MagentoRoot/app/code/Remmote/StoreAssistant/

3.     Install dependencies and run the setup command

Open your command line terminal, go to your Magento root directory, and run the following commands to install the required dependencies and enable the module:

composer require orhanerday/open-ai

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Configuration Instructions

First, open your Admin Panel and go to Stores in the left menu. After that go to Settings > Configuration. Inside the configuration page, click on AI Store Assistant:




Extension Settings

Module Enabled:

Option to enable and disable the extension.

Share Feedbacks Automatically:

If Yes, feedbacks will be shared automatically to improve the assistant.

OpenAI Secret Key

Your OpenAI Secret Key. You can get this Key by going to the API Keys section in your OpenAI account settings.


API Key:

Your unique API Key generated on installation. Don’t change this value unless required.

Enable the chat widget in the storefront:

If yes, the chat widget will be enabled in the storefront.

Enable Time Range Availability:

If YES, the chat widget will only by be available in the storefront at specific hours.

Start Hour:

If the option Enable Time Range Availability is YES, the chat will be enabled at the hour selected here.

End Hour:

If the option Enable Time Range Availability is YES, the chat will be disabled at the hour selected here.

CMS Pages for Customer Support:

List of CMS pages that that the assistant will use to answer customer support questions.

Using the extension



If enabled, customers can ask questions about their orders and store policies. If customers are not logged in, the assistant will prompt them to log in before providing order-related information. The assistant can also refer to CMS pages (if configured) to answer questions about store policies. Here are some examples of questions the assistant can handle:

  • What are your return policies?

  • Can I cancel order 00343432?

  • Do you have any updates on my order 003432?

All storefront messages are stored in the admin panel for follow-up. For instance, if a customer requests a change, the assistant will gather all necessary information and flag the chat as requiring further action.


Need help?

Have any questions or need help with the installation?